
Sunday, March 25, 2012

I Want to Have Our Baby Back Home on Naboo...Where We Can Be Safe

Originally posted on June 15, 2006

 Ani...I want to have our baby back home on Naboo, where no one will know...where we can be safe. Padme' to Anakin, ROTS

These are the words Pame' spoke to Anakin while they are on her balcony his first night back from the Outer Rim...where he intently watches her brushing her hair as she thinks about their baby.   This scene has always made me, I hate to say it, cringe every time I see it...the dialogue is so "out of place," especially when Anakin says to her You are so beautiful. However, I began to think about Padme's words about wanting to have the baby on Naboo...where they would be safe. In a way, these words are almost a foreboding of things to come. I began to wonder what exactly was it that she wanted protection from?

We know the Jedi Order sought younglings at a very young age...could it be that she did not want their child to be raised a Jedi? She knows the Code, for Anakin is a Jedi...although he frequently goes against the Code and makes up his own "rules." Was she afraid that Anakin, her beloved husband, would be expelled from the Order when they discovered the child's parentage? Or was she afraid of what the other Senators would think about her becoming a mother, since many of them did not know of her marriage to Anakin? Further, what would the Republic think about her and about Anakin, their Hero, when the news of the child surfaced? Any of these could be possible explanations for her statement...or it may have resulted from something to which we can only speculate.

The Republic was falling apart, and Padme' knew there was danger everywhere. She always felt safe at home, "hidden" away in the Lake Country...a secluded area where she and Anakin fell in love and were secretly wed. The attack on Coruscant where the Chancellor was "kidnapped" more than likely made her feel vulnerable...considering the Senatorial towers and rotunda were the most secure structures in the capital. If the Chancellor could be taken, then it may be possible someone would take their child to exact revenge for something. Again, I am only speculating here...this may not be the explanation either.

I am only referring to one child here because, as we all know, they believed there to be only one, not two. Padme' only refers to "our child" throughout ROTS, even in her final conversation with Anakin on Mustafar: Come away with me raise our child. It was not known to them until the birth on Polis Massa that there were twins...twins we, as fans, knew about long before.

What are your thoughts on why Padme' wanted to have the baby back home on Naboo? What was it that made her say the words where we can be safe?

 Meditate on this more...I will

1 comment:

  1. naboo is a neutral planet therefore a safe haven for them. i think apart of her knew what was about to happen to them. to the galaxy as a whole. if there was a place liek naboo, i'd go there to if it was a safe place. :)
